Placenta Encapsulation


Made by you and prepared with Devotion, placenta encapsulation is available on the Northshore Louisiana and New Orleans.

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Made by you and prepared with Devotion, placenta encapsulation is available on the Northshore Louisiana and New Orleans.

Made by you and prepared with Devotion, placenta encapsulation is available on the Northshore Louisiana and New Orleans.

Placenta encapsulation is chosen by some folks to encourage support potpartum. Almost every mammal on earth consumes their placenta in some way. Some studies show there are practical reasons for that, like ensuring predators can’t follow their scent, and others site the need counteract nutritional losses due to pregnancy and delivery.

While there is still not enough data on human placentophagia to make any definitive claims on it’s benefits, there is some evidence to show it has both endocrine and analgesic benefits. That evidence is supported by the anecdotal support I (and other birth professionals) hear from my clients regularly.

Clients who have chosen to consume their placentas, either by encapsulation or as a smoothie have reported:

  • higher energy levels

  • lower instances of postpartum mood disorders compared to previous postpartum times

  • an increased breast milk supply

  • higher iron levels

  • a quicker recovery from postpartum bleeding

  • and less pain after delivery

  • Lower instances of postpartum depression

These experiences cannot be garutneed, but I like ot think about placenta encapsulation like insurance. You may never use it, but if you need it, it’s nice to have.

Encapsulation is completed in a private room with a clean and thorough process. All encapsulation also includes a cord keepsake and instructions.