New to New Orleans

If you are looking for a Midwife, Leila is your girl!!

Before moving to Louisiana and meeting Leila, my first two babies were born in a hospital and my third, a birth center. My fourth baby, that we just welcomed, was born at home. Having Leila as my midwife for my fourth pregnancy and birth was the best decision I could have made.

During our in-home prenatal visits, she took time to diligently check on baby and myself - mind, body, and spirit. She made sure my whole family was involved every step of the way. She ensured everyone was comfortable with the idea of a home birth. I truly loved the way she engaged and included my older kids during visits - like showing them how to find the baby's heart beat and position. Leila made sure I was fully informed in every decision I made while encouraging me to trust in my body and follow my own intuition.

I truly believe that everyone deserves the level of care she offers!


Midwife walking along side