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Pandemic has no holds

Being pregnant in the pandemic came with many unique experiences to layer on top of our first-time becoming parents. In retrospect, there are many times we could have benefited from gentle and informed birth education, kind support, and tailored techniques, but at the time we didn’t think we would be able to have access to that quality of care. We did what we could to fill in the gaps throughout a majority of our pregnancy but I still felt we needed to better understand comfort measures. When I visited her website and read about her philosophy I knew she would be the perfect match for us… but I must confess, I was skeptical about the high level of rave reviews. I thought, “Is it really possible for someone to be that helpful?” Hello from the future, the answer is absolutely yes. 

 Luck would have it that our hospital changed the parameters just a little over a month before our due date, but being naïve about birth services, we didn’t know if it would make much of a difference in this short time. Instead of being met with rejection or hesitation, Leila was confident that she could help and reassured us that she would do her best to help us. She was absolutely right. During our virtual consultation, I felt seen and comfortable. Immediately after our call I finally felt as though I could rest assured that I would have the natural, empowered birth I had hoped for.

Through our meetings I learned that although I did my best to prepare for birth, there were clearly things from her as an expert that I did not know or have access to. You don’t know what you don’t know. While I would have loved to have Leila assist us as we transitioned through trimesters, in actuality, even in 7 weeks (and 2 post partum), I did not feel that I was missing an iota of support, comfort, or education. Even after assisting at over 200 births she still empathized with the pressure we were facing and diligently worked with us to ease our earthside. I thought I was hiring an expert to provide assistance with comfort measures, in reality we learned so much more critical information that was impactful in our birth story such as hospital procedures, waters breaking, breech position, spinning babies, protecting the family unit, and the progression of labor.

A common worry I have heard about doulas is that they would take over the place of the primary birth partner and cause an awkward dynamic. This could not have been further from the truth for us. While birth emphasizes the connection between the mother and child, my husband wanted to do all that he could to support his family. I can say without a fraction of the doubt that Leila encouraged and informed him to become the best birth partner he could have been. She seamlessly weaved in and out of our experience, prompting, supporting, and connecting us when we needed and intentionally stepping back to observe when all was well. Leila ignited a dormant strength in me and my husband that I do not think either of us knew we had within us. She helped us to create a solid foundation through pregnancy, labor, and delivery that serves us as we continue our journey as parents.

We didn’t think we’d be able to have a doula at our son’s birth, and I’m so glad we were wrong. My husband and I find it impossible to talk about the birth of our son without raving about Leila and reflecting on our deep gratitude for her assistance through this important milestone. I am not sure I have ever met someone as hardworking and dedicated as Leila is, and she is an absolute gift to the families who choose to work with her.