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Leila is hands down one of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life. My family and I are are blessed to have her in our lives and to have had her help during such a big moment.

I knew that I wanted to have a doula as soon as we started trying to get pregnant, knowing that I wanted a very natural labor and delivery and the way the healthcare system can be especially with women of color. We met Leila at Mommycon with Heart 2 Heart birth center and her aura immediately clicked with mine. I knew she was the doula for us. Her stance with natural and evidence based birth mixed with her respect for your choice, whatever it may be, and her dedication to be by your side with no judgement was perfect. Leila met with us for two prenatal visits to get to know us as a couple and a family, to go over our birth wishes and teach us spinning babies techniques. She was patient, informative and always available to talk about my appointments, send me related research, and help me through any anxiety.

When I was having a hard time with Braxton Hicks pain and anxiety, Leila came over to help me. She cooked us dinner (which was amazing!), ran me an herbal sitz bath with candles and flowers. We walked around and did positioning exercises to engage baby in my pelvis and she was a great support. I knew she would be a great help by our side during labor and delivery. Then the pandemic hit and doulas were no longer allowed in the hospitals. I was devastated and terrified. Leila told me that I could do this, that I was a strong woman capable of birthing my baby and that she would virtually support us at the hospital. When I was having prodromal labor, Leila came over and spent 14 hours with us overnight to help with pain and positioning exercises. And when my contractions stalled out and we discovered my cervix hadn't progressed, she was there to comfort me and tell me that my body was doing its job and remind me how strong I was. When we contemplated giving in to an induction (which I was against from the beginning) Leila gave us all the tools and research to advocate for ourselves to have the birth I wanted as much as possible.

I started having consitent contractions a few days later and Leila called and texted to help me track and breathe through them. Before she could get to our house, I decided it was time to go to the hospital. She stayed on the phone with us helping me through the contractions. Baby girl couldn't wait till we got to the hospital and started coming in the car while we were on the I4! Leila walked me through every single step to help me birth my baby in the passenger seat of my car, while en route to the hospital, safely. From telling me what would happen with each next contraction to telling me to check for the umbilical cord when baby started crowning, Leila knew what to do. I don't know what I would've done without her. She even screenshot the phone when baby was born so we knew her time of birth.

At our postpartum visits, Leila helped with breastfeeding and latch issues, played with the baby, changed her and put her to sleep. She even entertained my 7 year old for a while to give us a break! She gave us a cute little onesie for the little one and a helpful postpartum sitz bath for me. Devotion is the perfect name for this company as Leila is one of the most devoted people I know. She's passionate about her work and dedicated to you from beginning to end. I'm grateful to have such an amazing woman grace my life.